If you practice the art of sarcasm, hey that's awesome, we should meet up sometime. Unless you're a dude of course, then screw you. Not literally but you... argh! Getting back to my point, as a frequent user of sarcasm, you'll notice that very often:
a.) not everyone gets it
b.) not everyone has a sense of humour and lastly,
c.) those not blessed with intelligence, use poorly constructed "comebacks"
According to the only dictionary I read, the Urban Dictionary, a lame-back can be defined as such:
A response to a insult in which you insult the person who insulted you with the insult they insulted you with.
Person: Nick, you are a Mexican and gay
Nick: No, you're gay
Person: That was a lame-back
Nick: No, you're gay
Person: That was a lame-back
Now, that's but only one example.
Here are some other examples of comebacks that fail and should also be avoided at all costs:
- Anything that involves "your mother"
Remark: Whoa, nice profile pic. How much time did you spend on Photoshop?
Response: Not as much time as your mother!
But... my mum doesn't even know how to use Photoshop and she doesn't have 6732 profile pictures in various angles and effects. She doesn't even have Facebook! (I hope) Why bring up my mother?
- Repeating sentences in a squeaky voice
Remark: I doubt I can eat as much as I wanna puke after watching you dance
Response: (in a squeaky voice and often, a retarded facial expression) I doubt I can eat as much as I wanna puke after watching you dance (arm waving)
Now I doubt I can eat as much as I wanna smack you with a frying pan.
- Replying with "Whatevah"
- Attempting to use reverse psychology
Remark: I doubt I can eat as much as I wanna puke after watching you dance
Response: Yeah lah, I know you're a good dancer lah. Who am I after all?
How does agreeing to what I say make it any better for you?
Now that you know, run along my child, and practice, or heck, even Google search if you're guilty of any of the above mentioned "comebacks."
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