the truth is in here

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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We're All The Same

If there's one thing I can't stand besides raisins, centipedes, peas, pineapples, bimbos, Twilight, politics, black pepper, boy bands, Justin Bieber, animal cruelty, Elmo, the vuvuzela and soppy movies (among other stuff), it's people who make fun of the disabled.
I'm gonna save the whole reasoning behind this because if you're already here on my blog, you've got some level of intelligence on you. That or you like boobies as much as I do.

This one's for all you Humpathon boobie fans

Anyway, moving on to the topic of my post. I was surfing the web and I came across this VIDEOMeet Zach Anner, a 25 year old Texan who has cerebral palsy. (Note: I did not say 'suffers' from cerebral palsy and I highly suggest you don't too.) When Oprah held a contest called "Your Own Show", a talent search produced by Oprah and "Survivor" creator Mark Burnett, Zach along with other hopeful winners sent in their videos but it was Zach's video that got the greatest response - over 2.5 million votes in under a week!

This goes to prove that Zach Anner is no different than you and I, in fact he could possibly be better. When news of people making fun, ill treating or looking down on guys like Zach surfaces, it pisses me off to no end. To them, I flip the bird.

My lil' pal flips you the bird too

Anyway, this isn't a post out to gain sympathy for Zach, it's more of an awareness campaign. Through the video above, you can see how simply fuckin' hilarious this guy is!

"This isn't yoga, I'm just putting on pants."

"No obstacle is too big, no mountain is too high, no volcano is too hot, and no Atlantis is too underwater or fictional!"

Even John Mayer has noticed the kid and said he'd "love to see a show by this kid" after posting Zach's video on his blog. Zach thanked him and said "I know my body is a wonderland, but I don't know why he'd be interested in me!" on another VIDEO in which he thanked all the people who voted for him as well.

Check out Zach Anner's other video where he interviews Michael Cera and Alia Shawkat for kissing advice.

I think it's just amazing how people like Zach strive to pursue their dreams, demolishing any obstacles whatsoever in their path. Then you get little twats who complain about the tiniest of things ("Maaaa! Why's the internet so slow?!") while others are so content and satisfied living in their little own monotonous world, that they're too gutless to step outside of their comfort zone and actually pursue their utmost desires. The only thing stopping you from achieving your dreams... is you. Anyway, enough of my motivational crap talk, you have self-help books for that. I only have this to say, you only live once, and you're not growing younger by the day. If you keep holding things up, waiting for a tomorrow that will never come, you ain't going nowhere. Have a dream? Work towards it NOW dammit. Plus, with all that speculation that the world's gonna end in 2013, you had better hurry..


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